RESTful API REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is an architecture for building Web APIs. The HTTP(s) verbs it uses are GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE Here is a complete example of implementing a RESTful API for a database that stores some articles: const express = require ( "express" ) ; const bodyParser = require ( "body-parser" ) ; const ejs = require ( "ejs" ) ; const mongoose = require ( "mongoose" ) ; const app = express ( ) ; app . set ( 'view engine' , 'ejs' ) ; app . use ( bodyParser . urlencoded ( { extended : true } ) ) ; const wikiSchema = { title : String , content : String } ; const Article = mongoose . model ( "article" , wikiSchema ) ; function sendExistingArticles ( res ) { Article . find ( { } , function ( err , articles ) { if ( ! err ) { res . send ( articles ) ; } else { ...