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Here is the code for a hangman game in Go:
package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "log" "math/rand" "os" "strings" "time" ) var inputReader *bufio.Reader var randSource rand.Source var randomGen *rand.Rand var hangmanPics [7]string func initPics() { hangmanPics = [7]string{ ` +---+ | | | ===`, ` +---+ O | | | ===`, ` +---+ O | | | | ===`, ` +---+ O | /| | | ===`, `+---+ O | /|\ | | ===`, `+---+ O | /|\ | / | ===`, `+---+ O | /|\ | / \ | ===`} } func initRandomGen() { randSource = rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()) randomGen = rand.New(randSource) } func readWordsFromFile(fileName string) *[]string { var words []string file, err := os.Open(fileName) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) for scanner.Scan() { words = append(words, strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())) } return &words } func getInput() string { input, err := inputReader.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } input = strings.TrimSpace(input) return input } func printTopLevelMenu() { fmt.Println("Welcome to Hangman") fmt.Println("Enter 1 to start new game") fmt.Println("Enter q to quit") } func getWord(words *[]string) string { index := randomGen.Intn(len(*words)) word := (*words)[index] return word } func getMatchingIndices(letter string, word string) *[]int { indices := make([]int, 0) guessedCharacter := ([]rune(letter))[0] for index, ch := range word { if ch == guessedCharacter { indices = append(indices, index) } } return &indices } func startRound(word string) { drawState := 0 var matchingIndices *[]int var letter string complete := false maskedString := make([]string, 0) for _, _ = range word { maskedString = append(maskedString, "#") } fmt.Println(maskedString) hashCount := 0 for !complete { hashCount = 0 fmt.Println("Guess letter") letter = getInput() matchingIndices = getMatchingIndices(letter, word) if len(*matchingIndices) == 0 { fmt.Println("Incorrect guess") drawState++ } for _, index := range *matchingIndices { maskedString[index] = letter } fmt.Println(maskedString) for _, let := range maskedString { if let == "#" { hashCount++ } } if hashCount == 0 { complete = true } else { drawHangman(drawState) if drawState == 6 { fmt.Println("Sorry, you lost") fmt.Println("Word was ", word) break } } } if complete { fmt.Println("You won!") } } func drawHangman(drawState int) { fmt.Println(hangmanPics[drawState]) } func startNewGame(usedWords *map[string]bool, words *[]string) { fmt.Println("Start New Game") word := getWord(words) _, ok := (*usedWords)[word] for ok { word = getWord(words) _, ok = (*usedWords)[word] } (*usedWords)[word] = true startRound(word) } func main() { usedWords := make(map[string]bool) initRandomGen() initPics() inputReader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) inp := "" words := readWordsFromFile("words.txt") for inp != "q" { printTopLevelMenu() inp := getInput() if inp == "q" { return } else if inp == "1" { startNewGame(&usedWords, words) } else { return } } }
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